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How does the DP4000 series squelch system work, and why is it so good?
Description of the squelch system differences between traditional analog radios and Motorola DP4000 series radios Squelch on traditional analog radios On most analog radios the squelch system is quite an unsophisticated “noise gate” that will only ...
What is Danimex File Server
Danimex File Server gives you easy access to softwares that you require to program and maintain your products. When customer purchases a software from Danimex, he can request access to the software and updates by open a new support ticket with help ...
"Service Code Error 0802" or "Error 01/42"
If you get an error code 0802 when trying to clone radios with the latest firmware version, please see the attached technical notice from Motorola.
Motorola MotoTRBO Customer Programming Software (CPS) Error Number#: 1687
Error Message: Unable to detect applicable device. Check to see if compatible programming cable is used. Troubleshooting Instructions: There are several things that can cause this issue. Here are some things to verify. 1. Verify that the MOTOTRBO ...
How to connect Peltor WS Alert XPI to DP3441 via bluetooth
Step1: Upgrade DP3441 to R2.9 or above so that the radio will have "Bluetooth Audio and Radio Programming" license. Step2: configure side button for Bluetooth Connect Bluetooth Disconnect Bluetooth Discoverable On/Off Step3: Turn on Peltor Headset ...